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Name: Skye
Gender: Girl
Age: 15
Birthday: 3/15/90
Location: Smalltown Hell
Ethnicity: Skinny White Girl
Likes: Loser music, her inner prep, the Macarana insanity, being interesting
Dislikes: Stupid people, boring things, Severus Snape.
Aim: BeautifulManiac7
Email: Quizzler25@yahoo.com


Blogger LJ


Useless words, full of empty meanings and poisoned promises. None of this is true, but none of it is a lie. It's just...mine.


Titled: Apprehension
Created By: X_angawhomps for CB
Programs Used: Adobe Photoshop CS, Adobe ImageReady CS, Microsoft FrontPage 2002
Credits: Image from Aethereality
Thursday, April 20, 2006
Well, I haven't updated in so long I'm pretty sure everyone will have forgotten about this bloody thing. This means I can write in it and ramble without feeling bad, or worrying about what people think of what I said.

Eddie asked for ten reason why Ilike him, and I can't give them to him. Not because it would be embarrassing, but because I don't have any. I know I like him, and that's enough. I don't have reasons, and I don't appreciate being asked for them. He's also trying to get me to go to church...bad idea. I don't DO church. At all. I just can't. I burst into tears. Church is a bad thing.

In true Sarah fashion, because not everything is coming up roses I'm comparing him to the nearest boy and finding him lacking.

Unfourtunatly, the nearest boy is Sam.

Yesterday I just sat with him, leaning on him and telling him I was sorry for my own deeds. I was sory for breaking him. I was sorry for being such a terrible person. He just told me that I had never broken him, he'd broken himself. That I was an amazing person, and whoever said otherwise was lying. That I had nothing to be sorry for, ever.

Things like that make me want to kiss him.

Thus the dilemma. While I am happy with Eddie, I find myself spending more and more time with Sam, and liking it. Every night I wake up crying and shaking, and I yell out for Sam, not Eddie. When I'm scared, I hope he'll save me, when I cry I think of calling him, when I can't sleep he talks until I can. Our relationship is changing, it's not how it used to be but I like it more. He doesn't ask anything of me, and he really does love me. He's not pushy about it, just there. A constant presence to make sure I'm fine. Someone there to protect me. And I love the knowledge that no matter what I do to hurt him, he'll stay there and be there for me.

I don't know anymore...I just want to curl up into a ball, finally get some sleep and wait it out...
But there's the problem of who I want there with me.
# posted by Sarah Bo | 2:30 PM |


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Friday, December 30, 2005
There are people in the world I just want to hold. Hold tightly, until I can cry and they can cry. Even wtihout crying, I just want to cling to them so badly, or have them clinging to me. I want to be held. I want my dream to come true. The one I have so often. Not the kissing part, or even the running. But the part where I collapse into his arms. Safe. Sobbing. Not alone. I want someone to hold me.

I feel a lot like crying lately. I'm such an emo kid. Really, it's pathetic.

I have new clothes though. They make me happy. Though they are mostly black. A skirt. A beautiful skirt. Makes me feel kind of little kiddish. As do the boots. I may have to experiment with pigtails.

Called Mari, though I said I wouldn't.

3638 Days, 10 hours, 56 minutes, and 29 seconds till our deal is off.

# posted by Sarah Bo | 6:50 PM |


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Sunday, October 09, 2005
I should stop listening to this song, it just depresses me.

Liz is asleep upstairs in my bed.

Talked to Cory this morning, he's alive, so I feel better. I was worried last night. He told me not to worry about him, but that's damn near impossible. I care too much to not worry. I count him as a friend, even if he sees me as an annoying little fangirl/stalker.


Some dance to forget,
# posted by Sarah Bo | 11:22 AM |


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Wednesday, September 14, 2005
Joke me something awful just like kisses on the necks of "best friends"
We're the kids who feel like dead ends
And I want to be known for my hits, not just my misses
I took a shot and didn't even come close
At trust and love and hope
And the poets are just kids who didn't make it
And never had it at all
And the record won't stop skipping
And the lies just won't stop slipping
And besides my reputation's on the line
We can fake it for the airwaves
Force our smiles, baby, half dead
From comparing myself to everyone else around me
Please put the doctor on the phone 'cause I'm not making any sense
Blame everyone but me for this mess
And my back has been breaking from this heavy heart
We never seemed so far
I'm hopelessly hopeful, that you're just hopeless enough
But we never had it at all
And the record won't stop skipping
And the lies just won't stop slipping
And besides my reputation's on the line
We can fake it for the airwaves
Force our smiles, baby, half dead
From comparing myself to everyone else around me
to everyone else around me
everyone else around me
everyone else around me
# posted by Sarah Bo | 8:48 PM |


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Monday, September 12, 2005
BeautifulManiac7: hi mari
MarinthaOfABS: school?
BeautifulManiac7: if i leave suddenly, its not that i hate you
BeautifulManiac7: its that i'm sick
MarinthaOfABS: awww
BeautifulManiac7: and have migraine-like symptons
MarinthaOfABS: :comf:
BeautifulManiac7: so sounds and sights hurt
BeautifulManiac7: and typing isn't a realxing sound
BeautifulManiac7: thanks
BeautifulManiac7: how was school?
MarinthaOfABS: fine...
MarinthaOfABS: zac just yelled beehotch at me
BeautifulManiac7: ....
MarinthaOfABS: any ideas what that is?
BeautifulManiac7: *blink*
BeautifulManiac7: bitch, i think
MarinthaOfABS: lol
BeautifulManiac7: or a weird spelling of biotch
BeautifulManiac7: which is, in essence, bitch
MarinthaOfABS: yea it was
MarinthaOfABS: beehotch
MarinthaOfABS: fooood, brb
BeautifulManiac7: kk
MarinthaOfABS: close your eyes for a while. :P
BeautifulManiac7: will do
MarinthaOfABS: back
BeautifulManiac7: yay
MarinthaOfABS: Just realized something quite odd...
BeautifulManiac7: ?
MarinthaOfABS: My pants... don't fit anymore
MarinthaOfABS: :sad:
MarinthaOfABS: they're too big...
BeautifulManiac7: poor mai mai
BeautifulManiac7: GAH
MarinthaOfABS: I'm losing weight again. :dead:
BeautifulManiac7: you need to EAT
BeautifulManiac7: EAT
MarinthaOfABS: ^^*
BeautifulManiac7: EAT!!!
BeautifulManiac7: *force feeds*
BeautifulManiac7: so anyway
MarinthaOfABS: I had a whole~ snack bar thingamabob today
MarinthaOfABS: I'm fine
MarinthaOfABS: granola bar! That's the word
BeautifulManiac7: marissa yelled at me in a comment on my livejournal for going to cory's
BeautifulManiac7: as i knew she would
MarinthaOfABS: O.o
BeautifulManiac7: YOU HAD
BeautifulManiac7: IS THAT ALL?????
MarinthaOfABS: yes...
BeautifulManiac7: *twitchy eye*
BeautifulManiac7: maaari
MarinthaOfABS: what's your lj name thing
BeautifulManiac7: skye_bird
BeautifulManiac7: NOPT THE POINT
MarinthaOfABS: uhps, duh
BeautifulManiac7: DAMMIT!
MarinthaOfABS: ^^*
BeautifulManiac7: you made me get all itchy
MarinthaOfABS: lmao
MarinthaOfABS: itchy?
BeautifulManiac7: when i get nervous or overly worried my hand gets all hivey
BeautifulManiac7: EAT
MarinthaOfABS: lol
MarinthaOfABS: :pet:
MarinthaOfABS: how do you think I felt when people told me "cory had a wreck"
MarinthaOfABS: but didn't say anything else?
BeautifulManiac7: hey, same thing, opkay?
MarinthaOfABS: granola bars are my friends
BeautifulManiac7: I WALKED TO HIS HOUSE
MarinthaOfABS: :P
BeautifulManiac7: EAT
BeautifulManiac7: NOOOW
BeautifulManiac7: i'll walk to your house!
BeautifulManiac7: and i'm SIVK
BeautifulManiac7: *SICK
MarinthaOfABS: how do I attempt to read your lj from your username?
BeautifulManiac7: go to the site, and type in my username in the search thing
MarinthaOfABS: yesh
MarinthaOfABS: I have your prof
BeautifulManiac7: and then click my name
BeautifulManiac7: the skye_bird name
MarinthaOfABS: ahhhhh
MarinthaOfABS: they hid it from me...
BeautifulManiac7: they do that
MarinthaOfABS: ACK, itty bitty...
BeautifulManiac7: sorry
BeautifulManiac7: not as bad as my friend alex's
MarinthaOfABS: lol
MarinthaOfABS: I don't wanna read
MarinthaOfABS: nvm
MarinthaOfABS: I see harry potter threesome
BeautifulManiac7: the first entry is me sick
MarinthaOfABS: :leaves: O.o
BeautifulManiac7: oh, read past that
BeautifulManiac7: thats all it says
MarinthaOfABS: ok...
BeautifulManiac7: the sentance after it applies to you prolly
BeautifulManiac7: "I am so going to get hit for that but it was worth it."
MarinthaOfABS: ^^*
MarinthaOfABS: :posts:
MarinthaOfABS: wait, no, nvm, I wanna delete that
MarinthaOfABS: x.x
BeautifulManiac7: i see it!
BeautifulManiac7: BWAHAHA
MarinthaOfABS: keehee, there's a button
MarinthaOfABS: ^^*
BeautifulManiac7: that doesn't change the fact i havn't refreshed the page yet
BeautifulManiac7: and it still there
MarinthaOfABS: ~.~
BeautifulManiac7: and still clickb;e
MarinthaOfABS: refresh!
BeautifulManiac7: *clickable
BeautifulManiac7: and of course i clicked
MarinthaOfABS: ACK
MarinthaOfABS: DEATH
MarinthaOfABS: Pain!
MarinthaOfABS: :dead:
MarinthaOfABS: :tries to figure out how to delete username:
BeautifulManiac7: too late!
BeautifulManiac7: i'm commenting
MarinthaOfABS: gack
MarinthaOfABS: :dead:
MarinthaOfABS: x.x
MarinthaOfABS: where... are you commenting?
BeautifulManiac7: the last entry you wrote
BeautifulManiac7: THAT'S BEEN DELETED
MarinthaOfABS: :dead:
MarinthaOfABS: Keehee
BeautifulManiac7: MARI ELIZABETH
MarinthaOfABS: :bounces:
MarinthaOfABS: but you read it...
MarinthaOfABS: damn
MarinthaOfABS: x.x
BeautifulManiac7: MARI
BeautifulManiac7: *whines*
MarinthaOfABS: what?
BeautifulManiac7: mai mai
BeautifulManiac7: you have to eat
BeautifulManiac7: and be healthy
MarinthaOfABS: gibbit?
BeautifulManiac7: and not cry
BeautifulManiac7: and and
BeautifulManiac7: mer
BeautifulManiac7: oh look, no more hives...^^
BeautifulManiac7: NOT THE POINT
BeautifulManiac7: dammit
BeautifulManiac7: look
MarinthaOfABS: lmao
BeautifulManiac7: you made me loose my train of thought
MarinthaOfABS: :P
BeautifulManiac7: and i wasn't even sure what i wanted to say in the first place
BeautifulManiac7: onyl i'm really worried about you
BeautifulManiac7: abnd
BeautifulManiac7: dammit mari!
BeautifulManiac7: you make it so difficult for me to be....the bouncey happy, wonderous, smiley, loving sarah i am to you
BeautifulManiac7: becuase i do love you mari
BeautifulManiac7: and
BeautifulManiac7: dammit
BeautifulManiac7: you're gonna laugh at me
BeautifulManiac7: but i don't care
MarinthaOfABS: :P
MarinthaOfABS: Actually, you're kinda gibbering
BeautifulManiac7: well i'm also kinda crying!
MarinthaOfABS: and since gibber is my native language
MarinthaOfABS: Kuuda?
BeautifulManiac7: so EXCUSE ME
MarinthaOfABS: cry?
MarinthaOfABS: :dead:
MarinthaOfABS: whyyy?
BeautifulManiac7: because i'm worried about you
BeautifulManiac7: becuase you never TELL me anything
BeautifulManiac7: and i know
BeautifulManiac7: you;re mari
BeautifulManiac7: you don;'t express emotions
MarinthaOfABS: ^^*
BeautifulManiac7: but dammit!
BeautifulManiac7: you should!
MarinthaOfABS: I have a feeling I'm about to be kidnapped and lynched...
MarinthaOfABS: ^^*
BeautifulManiac7: you are
BeautifulManiac7: if cory hadn't been in a wreak...
BeautifulManiac7: if he had a car
BeautifulManiac7: i would make him drive me there
BeautifulManiac7: RIGHT NOW
MarinthaOfABS: O.o
BeautifulManiac7: and i would tackle you
BeautifulManiac7: you realize this?
BeautifulManiac7: little tiny me
BeautifulManiac7: would TACKLE YOU
BeautifulManiac7: LIKE PORK CHOPS
BeautifulManiac7: OR SOMETHING
BeautifulManiac7: I DON'T KNOW
BeautifulManiac7: AND YUMMY
BeautifulManiac7: AND YOU WOULD EAT IT
MarinthaOfABS: O.o
BeautifulManiac7: AND I WOULD WATCH YOU
MarinthaOfABS: I wouldn't... vomit...
MarinthaOfABS: O.o
BeautifulManiac7: but it'd be okay
BeautifulManiac7: becuase as long as your eating and healthy its all good
BeautifulManiac7: becuase i worry too much mari
MarinthaOfABS: o.O
MarinthaOfABS: I think... I might go find some food...
BeautifulManiac7: now
MarinthaOfABS: yes ma'am
MarinthaOfABS: cookind cordon bleu
MarinthaOfABS: ^^*
BeautifulManiac7: good
BeautifulManiac7: and you will eat every bite of it
BeautifulManiac7: and it will stay in your stomach
MarinthaOfABS: of course...
BeautifulManiac7: until thoughoughly digested, at which point...
MarinthaOfABS: I just haven't eaten in a while
MarinthaOfABS: I'm not bulimic
BeautifulManiac7: well, we're not going into that
MarinthaOfABS: or however it's spelled
MarinthaOfABS: or anorexic
BeautifulManiac7: thats how it's spelled
MarinthaOfABS: just can't get to food
MarinthaOfABS: ^^*
MarinthaOfABS: :pet:
BeautifulManiac7: well
BeautifulManiac7: me and sammi are gonna make you a care package then
MarinthaOfABS: O.o
MarinthaOfABS: no...
MarinthaOfABS: you're not
BeautifulManiac7: yes
BeautifulManiac7: we are
BeautifulManiac7: because i'm going to-
MarinthaOfABS: o.O
BeautifulManiac7: *notices printer is gone*
BeautifulManiac7: what the fuck?
MarinthaOfABS: :whistles innocently:
BeautifulManiac7: i was gonna print this conversation out and show it to her
MarinthaOfABS: :runs:
BeautifulManiac7: along with your journal
BeautifulManiac7: and we would kidnap you
BeautifulManiac7: and have you live with my grandma who doesn't knwo the meaning of "not hjungry"
MarinthaOfABS: o.o
BeautifulManiac7: until we were satisfied
BeautifulManiac7: but....
BeautifulManiac7: ah well
BeautifulManiac7: i'll save it on a disk and give it to her
MarinthaOfABS: O.O
MarinthaOfABS: well...
MarinthaOfABS: since you know about the lj thing...
MarinthaOfABS: how do you make it spiffy?
MarinthaOfABS: ^^
BeautifulManiac7: mari
BeautifulManiac7: i'm laughing harder than i have in days
BeautifulManiac7: i love you
MarinthaOfABS: I know
MarinthaOfABS: :pet:
BeautifulManiac7: alright
BeautifulManiac7: go to http://www.createblog.com
BeautifulManiac7: and pick a skin
MarinthaOfABS: okie
BeautifulManiac7: its got 'skins' for your LJ
BeautifulManiac7: that you can pick from
BeautifulManiac7: and you can get further instuctions there
MarinthaOfABS: ok...
MarinthaOfABS: hm
MarinthaOfABS: they all stink
MarinthaOfABS: ^^*
BeautifulManiac7: i know
BeautifulManiac7: but its the only site i know of
BeautifulManiac7: google some more
MarinthaOfABS: lol
MarinthaOfABS: google time~
BeautifulManiac7: "free LJ skins"
MarinthaOfABS: nuthin
MarinthaOfABS: screw it
MarinthaOfABS: it stays as is
MarinthaOfABS: :P
BeautifulManiac7: what's smah's email address?
MarinthaOfABS: I don't know
BeautifulManiac7: yes you do
BeautifulManiac7: give it to me mari
MarinthaOfABS: I don't know it
BeautifulManiac7: yes, you do
BeautifulManiac7: how could you not?
MarinthaOfABS: this is MARI
MarinthaOfABS: how could I KNOW it?
BeautifulManiac7: you're her best friend!
BeautifulManiac7: how am I supposed to remeber it?
BeautifulManiac7: *remember
MarinthaOfABS: iono
BeautifulManiac7: mer
BeautifulManiac7: think
MarinthaOfABS: :thinks:
MarinthaOfABS: :thinks about star wars monkey:
BeautifulManiac7: NO
MarinthaOfABS: :thinks about cookies:
BeautifulManiac7: FOCUS
MarinthaOfABS: oh, that
MarinthaOfABS: you're still on that?
MarinthaOfABS: I thought the A.D.D would've kicked in by now...
BeautifulManiac7: yes
MarinthaOfABS: gonna get a drink
MarinthaOfABS: brb
BeautifulManiac7: not when it's you mai
BeautifulManiac7: and not when i'm worried
BeautifulManiac7: what can i say, my protection complex is as big as yours
BeautifulManiac7: xcept i can't castrate a man with my bare hands
MarinthaOfABS: or can you?
BeautifulManiac7: *except
BeautifulManiac7: i can't
BeautifulManiac7: not that i've tried
MarinthaOfABS: really?
BeautifulManiac7: i haven't
MarinthaOfABS: that's interesting
BeautifulManiac7: no one's gotten close enough to me when i'm that mad
MarinthaOfABS: :P
BeautifulManiac7: especially no one with a penis
MarinthaOfABS: You're not that mad often
BeautifulManiac7: well, sam did once
BeautifulManiac7: but he quickly moved
BeautifulManiac7: and colton got close when i wasn't very mad
BeautifulManiac7: and i slepped him
MarinthaOfABS: lol
BeautifulManiac7: there was a hand print and everything
BeautifulManiac7: *slapped
MarinthaOfABS: dion with the fork
MarinthaOfABS: :P
BeautifulManiac7: that too
BeautifulManiac7: see, i'm not too violent
MarinthaOfABS: course not
BeautifulManiac7: but i don't like when people make me angry
MarinthaOfABS: yesh
MarinthaOfABS: it's always bad
MarinthaOfABS: ^^*
MarinthaOfABS: how much of my lj did you read?
MarinthaOfABS: Just wondering
MarinthaOfABS: O.o
BeautifulManiac7: and i tend to get violent when a) someone i care about is in danger, or hurt
BeautifulManiac7: or 2) i'm just really pissed and in pain
BeautifulManiac7: i read all of it
MarinthaOfABS: blllaaah
BeautifulManiac7: and i added you as a friend
BeautifulManiac7: so when ever you update
BeautifulManiac7: i'll know
BeautifulManiac7: but please, continue updating
MarinthaOfABS: ~.~
BeautifulManiac7: ^^
MarinthaOfABS: yer evil
MarinthaOfABS: EEEE-VIL!
BeautifulManiac7: *sings along* beware of pretty faces that you fi-ind...a pretty face can hide an evil mi-ind
BeautifulManiac7: i never said i wasn't evil
MarinthaOfABS: O.o
MarinthaOfABS: That's sick
BeautifulManiac7: its from Secret Agent Man
MarinthaOfABS: lol
MarinthaOfABS: :pet:
MarinthaOfABS: My sis wants me to giv her lyrics...
MarinthaOfABS: for choir
MarinthaOfABS: Won't she get lyrics?
MarinthaOfABS: :just makes her watch the little mermaid:
MarinthaOfABS: ^^*
MarinthaOfABS: did you see the latest lj?
BeautifulManiac7: yes
BeautifulManiac7: i'm commenting
MarinthaOfABS: ^^*
MarinthaOfABS: Oh, did I mention we all have to go see chickin lil sometime?
BeautifulManiac7: no
BeautifulManiac7: but okay
MarinthaOfABS: lol
MarinthaOfABS: It has chickens+numa
BeautifulManiac7: can we also go see "Just Like Heaven"
MarinthaOfABS: gotta be good
MarinthaOfABS: ok
BeautifulManiac7: maybe not the boys....
BeautifulManiac7: its a chick flick
BeautifulManiac7: and i wanna see it
MarinthaOfABS: o.o
BeautifulManiac7: OH!
BeautifulManiac7: AND we have to go see "Valiant"
BeautifulManiac7: the one about the carrier pigeons....
MarinthaOfABS: yesh
MarinthaOfABS: ^^
BeautifulManiac7: i like the look of that movie
BeautifulManiac7: ^^
MarinthaOfABS: lol
MarinthaOfABS: I love messing with your add
MarinthaOfABS: ^^
BeautifulManiac7: yeah yeah...join the club
MarinthaOfABS: ^^
BeautifulManiac7: i think they've got jackets
MarinthaOfABS: lizzy and cory?
BeautifulManiac7: and some free pens
BeautifulManiac7: yes
BeautifulManiac7: and wellie
BeautifulManiac7: and izzy
BeautifulManiac7: and my sister
BeautifulManiac7: and my otehr sister
BeautifulManiac7: and my mom
MarinthaOfABS: ellie?
BeautifulManiac7: yes, ellie
BeautifulManiac7: thats the third time today i've made that typo
MarinthaOfABS: NUMA!
MarinthaOfABS: ^^*
BeautifulManiac7: i'm doped up on pain medication
MarinthaOfABS: :comf:
BeautifulManiac7: anyway
BeautifulManiac7: and my mom, and my brother
BeautifulManiac7: and my grandma
BeautifulManiac7: and my dad, but i'm not speaking to him
BeautifulManiac7: so
MarinthaOfABS: why not?
BeautifulManiac7: eh
BeautifulManiac7: he was reading my blogs and then he started laughing at them
BeautifulManiac7: and then he used all the information as blackmail
BeautifulManiac7: so i blocked him from AIM and won't accept his calls
BeautifulManiac7: *innocent smile*
BeautifulManiac7: so, anyway
MarinthaOfABS: O.o
BeautifulManiac7: did you ever find out what was wrong with your dad?
MarinthaOfABS: nope
MarinthaOfABS: ^^
MarinthaOfABS: :hides:
BeautifulManiac7: i wanna knoooooow
BeautifulManiac7: *whines*
MarinthaOfABS: :pet:
MarinthaOfABS: he was probably just worrying over nothing
BeautifulManiac7: i have a dentist appointment tomorrow
BeautifulManiac7: that means more pain medication
MarinthaOfABS: :comf:
BeautifulManiac7: but possibly no more pain!
BeautifulManiac7: woo hoo!!
MarinthaOfABS: You're gonna be lolling to one side
MarinthaOfABS: Half out of it
BeautifulManiac7: i've built up a resistance to tylenol (extra strength)
BeautifulManiac7: and extra strength excedrin
MarinthaOfABS: lol
MarinthaOfABS: they've never worked on me
MarinthaOfABS: ever
BeautifulManiac7: so any pain i'm in tends to STAY
BeautifulManiac7: unles i get morphine...whihc i don't see happening anytime soon
MarinthaOfABS: :comf:
MarinthaOfABS: Use ice
MarinthaOfABS: ice works even on me
BeautifulManiac7: tried
MarinthaOfABS: ^^*
MarinthaOfABS: oh wow
BeautifulManiac7: i went to sleep last night clenching my jaw and crying because medicine and my own immune system hate me
MarinthaOfABS: :comf:
BeautifulManiac7: damn cavity
MarinthaOfABS: awww
MarinthaOfABS: is that what the pain is now?
BeautifulManiac7: see, it stems from a tooth infection, and turned into an ear infection, which sperad to the entire right side of my face
BeautifulManiac7: even my eye
BeautifulManiac7: so
MarinthaOfABS: :comf:
MarinthaOfABS: poor poor sar
MarinthaOfABS: I've never had a toothache. ^^*
MarinthaOfABS: Do braces count?
BeautifulManiac7: i'm kind of reading with my good eye and typing while listening to yoga music so i can't hear the clicky noise the typing makes
BeautifulManiac7: i think they count
MarinthaOfABS: :comf:
BeautifulManiac7: how much of my LJ did you read?
MarinthaOfABS: uhh...
MarinthaOfABS: to cory
BeautifulManiac7: oh
BeautifulManiac7: there's a lot of entries
BeautifulManiac7: thats why i was wondering
MarinthaOfABS: lol
MarinthaOfABS: do you want me to read it? O.o
BeautifulManiac7: you can if you get really bored and have a lot of spare time
BeautifulManiac7: but you don't have to
MarinthaOfABS: lol
BeautifulManiac7: hmmm....
BeautifulManiac7: did you finish eating?
MarinthaOfABS: hm?
MarinthaOfABS: oh, yes
MarinthaOfABS: yes i did
BeautifulManiac7: did you eat it ALL?
MarinthaOfABS: uh huh
MarinthaOfABS: everything on the plate
BeautifulManiac7: and was everything on the plate AN ENTIRE SERVING?
MarinthaOfABS: uhm
MarinthaOfABS: how much is that?
BeautifulManiac7: i have no idea, actually
MarinthaOfABS: lmao
BeautifulManiac7: no making fun of the doped up stupid ADD kid
BeautifulManiac7: it's not fair
MarinthaOfABS: ^^
# posted by Sarah Bo | 4:14 PM |


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Wednesday, September 07, 2005
It's gone from "I love you and I'll never give up" to "You're a worthless peice of crap" in only one day. I think I set a record.

He hates people who think he's a joke.

I hate people who lie to me.

It's better off this way. I've wanted him to leave me alone for so long. Of course, now that he's gone, I miss him.

I'd like to be his friend at least.

And I was actually thinking about saying yes to that bastard.
# posted by Sarah Bo | 4:20 PM |


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Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Mer. Cory is a muffin. Stupid stupid muffin. I'm angered at him, but

Gah. Cory is an enigma....

I am so pathetic.
# posted by Sarah Bo | 8:31 PM |


dear. callign cory a muffin doesn't explain a lot.

By Blogger eve, at 9:02 PM  

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